Rough Times Ahead For My Family


My mother has a medical history that would make anyone cringe, but at this point it has become normal for us. She has had so many surgeries to date that it doesn't even phase me when she says she needs another surgery anymore. We ended 2013 with plans to start of 2014 with at least two surgeries. One to remove a mesh sling which has eroded and perforated her vaginal wall, another to remove her breast implants after one of them ruptured.

The implants are coming out first. She has silicon implants and her body has been absorbing some of that silicon ever since the rupture, which we aren't sure when it happened. Somehow that also caused the scar tissue in her other breast to harden. Still, the doctor said both these things are very common problems with older implants and that many women have to have replacements after 10 years or so. So I wasn't worried about this surgery in the slightest.

Two days before her surgery her doctors called us. Her preop mammogram has shown something else.. several spots that they wouldn't normally expect for rigid scar tissue and a ruptured silicon implant... It might be cancer.

In a few hours I am driving her to the hospital to sign in for surgery. A few hours later she will be in the OR. The doctors will perform a test while in surgery to determine if it is cancer or tumors or whatever and proceed accordingly. It's possible that instead of just losing her implants she will lose her breasts completely.

She has had a tumor in the past, completely benign, on her left ovary, caused by polycystic ovarian syndrom. After being diagnosed with that tumor I was tested and it turned out I also have that condition. I am worried that this time she won't be as lucky with dodging the cancer bullet and I am also worried that if she passed down the PCOS then my future might also include possible breast cancer.

I don't know how my mom will react if it is cancer. She already has severe depression about the quality of her life as it is. All I can do right now is help her during her recovery and I am not sure what all that is going to entail. During her recovery I am putting aside my efforts to find a day job so I can be here to help her, but I will be working on my cam twice as much as usual, even with her home.

I'll let you all know what happens tomorrow after her surgery is over and I learn what happened in the OR.