Where and When to stream BDSM?


Full Member
Hi, guys.
I've already tried to find answers online. So far, I haven't found them.
I watched a youtube video of a camgirl who does BDSM and live streams it around 3pm her time to Germany where it is lunch time. I forgot which video I heard this in.
It seems like BDSM is much more popular in Germany than in the US, where I'm from.
So here are my questions. I wonder if anyone can help me.

1. What site(s) should I use to stream to Germany or other countries where BDSM is more popular?

2. What is the best time to stream to these places?

3. Do you have any suggestions for how I could attract viewers from these places, aside from being a member on a site that they frequent?

Anything you know will be helpful.
Thank you in advance for any answers/advice you can offer me.


To the left, it says "Platinum cam sites" and "Content selling sites" click "all" and review the sites. You will find the site that works for you.