Working Multiple camsites


Hi Everyone
Hope everyone is staying well, I am not camming at moment just doing some research as will be starting soon when I move into my own place, just wondering how do you manage working on multiple sites at the same time , ie do you have more than one monitor or is there some special software that can be used ? Also managing chats with clients from various sites Sorry if it sounds dumb.


I'm currently running an i7 gaming laptop, with two Logitech Brios, controlled by ManyCam Studio. I have tried Xsplit and OBS but I prefer ManyCam as I can easily stream to 2 sites or more plus it has a virtual webcam output to still provide a feed to AdultWork's antiquated setup. Another thing ManyCam has that I have yet to really utilise is being able to use your mobile/cell phone as a wireless camera via your network.
I have my laptop hooked up via an HDMI cable to an ultrawide monitor so I can split the screen and have one platform in each half. I then use my laptop screen for controlling ManyCam and the cameras plus email etc.