First question/main topic:
I found a fellow cammer's dating profile where he posts his real first name, his real location (city-precise) and other revealing info. Definitely not an escort. I want to let him know that people can use this information against him, but am embarrassed to admit how I found his profile (I googled his cam name. Not sure what I expected to find, but I found out a lot about him-- a scary amount, to the point where I could find out his actual address if I tried).
And after all: he is an adult and should be aware of these consequences, but some people are careless and end up surprised at how people can put two and two together.
What would you do/have you done in this scenario?
Cammer crush question:
Uh, well, this is extremely humiliating for me to admit, so I'm posting this anonymously. I have a severe infatuation with the cammer mentioned above..
There were some small flirting here and there during his streams. After finding out some more of his hobbies (that he mentioned on stream), I sent a tip note and told him that we had a lot in common, and (jokingly) that it's a wonder why we're not "e-dating" already.
He sent me a PM later on with his number attached. Oh, boy. I didn't reciprocate, however, because I'm paranoid about these things and felt that it was all happening too quickly.
But after that action, it would be safe to assume that he has some sort of interest. Most likely physical-only, whereas I'm already thinking about how awkward and cute a first date with him would be like. And also some 'physical' fantasies, too. Creepy, right? Thank goodness that only WCG devs and I will ever know how creepy I really am Smiley.
So, my other questions are, how would you go about asking out a fellow cammer? And would you ever consider dating a fellow cammer? (Especially one as reckless as this man is with his info..)
I found a fellow cammer's dating profile where he posts his real first name, his real location (city-precise) and other revealing info. Definitely not an escort. I want to let him know that people can use this information against him, but am embarrassed to admit how I found his profile (I googled his cam name. Not sure what I expected to find, but I found out a lot about him-- a scary amount, to the point where I could find out his actual address if I tried).
And after all: he is an adult and should be aware of these consequences, but some people are careless and end up surprised at how people can put two and two together.
What would you do/have you done in this scenario?
Cammer crush question:
Uh, well, this is extremely humiliating for me to admit, so I'm posting this anonymously. I have a severe infatuation with the cammer mentioned above..
There were some small flirting here and there during his streams. After finding out some more of his hobbies (that he mentioned on stream), I sent a tip note and told him that we had a lot in common, and (jokingly) that it's a wonder why we're not "e-dating" already.
He sent me a PM later on with his number attached. Oh, boy. I didn't reciprocate, however, because I'm paranoid about these things and felt that it was all happening too quickly.
But after that action, it would be safe to assume that he has some sort of interest. Most likely physical-only, whereas I'm already thinking about how awkward and cute a first date with him would be like. And also some 'physical' fantasies, too. Creepy, right? Thank goodness that only WCG devs and I will ever know how creepy I really am Smiley.
So, my other questions are, how would you go about asking out a fellow cammer? And would you ever consider dating a fellow cammer? (Especially one as reckless as this man is with his info..)