Fake privates - slitcamming


Just wanted to share my experience with a cam girl from a customer’s viewpoint.

Firstly I must say, that my love life at the moment is obviously not very bright. My girlfriend of 10 years and I haven't been intimate in a year, and over the last 4 or so, intimacy avoidance is a word I type into google almost daily. I research how to fix our relationship, why this, why that. I've tried talking to Her, so many times, now I give myself about 10 minutes to talk to her and after that time passes I stop trying and give her some space. She doesn't know, she says, why we're not intimate. She cries, I hold her, I tell her I'm here for her. But at the end of the day, I have no idea why we are not intimate. We moved into a 2br house about a 9 months ago and have been in seperate rooms since. I miss her. I miss her skin. I miss her smell. I miss her embrace.

We agreed to be in an open relationship about 8 months ago. I'm on Tinder, I exercise, I have a bit of flab, I'm not fat, but my confidence has been lacking for a while.

Last week someone with covid came into my workplace, so everyone who was working that day has to isolate for 14 days. That means being confined to our bedrooms, no going out, not even to the lounge room. If I have to go to the toilet or kitchen, I need to wear a mask and wipe everything I touch.

After about 6 days I join Chaturbate.

A cute Russian girl with glasses catches my eye, she's high energy, a little crazy looking & funny. It's quiet in her room, she PM's me and we talk for a bit. We agree to go private and both have a great time.

We do this for a few days, 1-3 times a day. Each time, I try to turn her on, talk about how I'd nibble her ear, or tick her toe, I like it when she's happy, enjoying herself.

Then the next day in private she acts a little distant, typing a lot with someone else, I ask her about it and she says she's typing to google translate and copying it over. I think nothing of it.

The next day in private she's not present. She's typing away, I can hear messages from Skype and what sounds like a cash register notification. So I bring it up, I say, whats wrong? Why are you so distant? She says the privates aren't making her much money and that she wants a tip to do what we do. I say that's ok with me, no problem. She says a come show is 350tk, so I pay it. I say, it that ok? She says thank you. I reply, you're welcome! BTW this was 30mins into the private show, after we chat for a bit and after I try to get her to tell me what's wrong. She's so not present it takes a good minute or so for Her to reply.

So I think great, she's happy, I get a private show, everyones happy.

Unfortunately the distance didn't get closer. I'd try to turn her on, talking about kissing up her leg and so on, she's typing, but I'm snot getting any messages. I ask her to lay back, imagine me kissing there, or there, and she looks like she's relaxing a bit, and starting touching her body. I can hear the sound of a cash register notification frequently, Skype texts, soon after, she's constantly getting up and typing, but I'm not getting any messages. Ok now it's obvious. Then she say's, "Hi boyyyys".

So now I'm getting upset. I message her, ok what is that sound, why are you so distant and who's boyyyys?

She says what? Nothing! I was talking to you baby!

I try to believe her, and just get it over with. She plays with herself for a minute or two and gets up to type some more to someone else, each time she stopped I would get more frustrated.

Now the messaging from me is obviously annoyed, but not aggressive. Something along the lines of, I paid what you wanted, all I'm asking for is a private show with you. She replies like, ok there was another site watching but I closed it a few minutes ago. I think, ok, cool, I calm down and the next moment I hear it again, Cha Ching!

I message her, you said you closed it! I'm not stupid!

At this point she's visibly upset, she's like, what are you crazy? What's wrong with you! Arms out, obviously annoyed. It was just yesterday I can hear her voice echoing in my mind.

We argue type for a few minutes, she's getting more upset and starts slapping her ass so hard it makes me say, stop. Stop doing that, I don't like that. Her ass goes red almost straight away, that's how hard she slapped. I say, stop, please, I'm not into pain, don't hurt yourself.

So I give it a few minutes and we just sit there, staring at each other, being pissed but silent, the cha ching sound going in the background every now and then.

We argue for a little longer and she's obviously upset by all this. I'm not too happy as well and shortly after her manager obviously takes over the typed conversation and is a little bit of a dick. Which is fine, I work in the retail industry, I know how to deal with unhappy customers. But now I've become one.

So I say, I really like you Mis**** - please don't hurt yourself again, and exit.

I spend the next 15 mins of angry vibes looking for the site with that sound, it wasn't hard to find, a quick google and the question was answered years ago. I join that site and there she is. I do a little more research and come across the terms, splitcamming, and fake-privates, I find a list of sites where's it's allowed and not allowed. I search a few, there's a private Skype one, I find her on its well.

So I go back to CB and log off, direct myself to her show and the other site as well and I noticed within a minute when she's in a private show on CB, she's also in a group tip show on the other site.

I get it, it's money. It's your job. But it's unethical. If you need more money for an intimate show, charge more. Put it on your menu, True Private/Intamate 500tk more.

Whatever it is, we will pay it. Because we are starved of intimacy by our partners, for whatever reason, and money doesn't buy you love - but it can get you pretty bloody close to smelling a girls skin and feeling her embrace, if only just for a moment.

You're worth every penny.
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Sr. Member
You got to bail faster, move on to one of the other 10k models online. Maybe she has control over the situation and is just a bad model, maybe she works for a bad studio that doesn't allow her to cut off the other streams or enter spy modes ?‍♂️

There are models that do split casting in a very ethical manor making full use of fake-private/spy shows (when I say fake-privates I mean they click a button while they are broadcasting to enter a private by themselves effectively turning off the stream unless people pay to spy, its a feature that some camsites offer) .