What to do with a clingy customer on MFC?


Jr. Member
This guy takes me private for over an hour each day that I see him, spending a few hundred dollars each time, and 3 quarters of that time we are just chatting and I'm fully clothed. It's such easy money, he never even asks me to watch his cam, and he has literally been the best thing to happen to me financially in the past few weeks because I've been inconsistent and days are slow.

However, he tells me I'm "only his", that we should be together and have kids, he even told me yesterday that he loved me. I do gf experience often, so I just kinda went along with it in the beginning thinking he was just being hopeful and knew it wouldn't happen, but lately it seems like he actually thinks we're in love and going to meet one day.

I know I should have been straight forward with him in the beginning, but I needed the money at the time and didn't want to lose him as a client. But now I feel like it's getting out of hand, and I don't know if I should have an upfront convo with him (what do I say?), or if I should just block him? I know most of these types of guys are delusional or become annoying/creepy, but he's still a person and I'd feel bad about just blocking him after he's spent thousands of dollars on mostly just talking to me. What advice do you gals have? Lesson learned, I won't be feeding into the next guy's delusions. But could use advice for this time!


Honestly if he brings up kids, a future, meeting in person etc just say smile and say “I wouldn’t want to ruin the lovely fantasy we’ve got going here. Real life is so much more complicated.” I would avoid saying “I love you” start responding with “you’re so sweet” Only you know what you are comfortable with. If he doesn’t get the hint and keeps pushing you need to have a clear conversation about limits/boundaries m. “I enjoy our chats but I want you to understand this will never be more then an online business transaction. You’re pushing for more makes me uncomfortable. If you continue to push then I won’t be able to see you anymore.” Trust your gut. Money isn’t as important as your safety.